Who we are

WebEmailProtector is an internet services company based in Edinburgh, Scotland, UK. It is funded through retained profit from it's email obfuscator subscription service.

We provide an Email Address Encryption service that protects any email address listed on your website from being seen by non genuine users, preventing leakage at source.

More than just obfuscation, our unique technology replaces your public facing Email Address with an IES secured Email Address Encryption Key and provides the strongest email address anti-harvesting protection available.

When used on your website bona-fide visitors are still able to contact your seamlessly via your existing email in the same way a normal email can be placed on your site, but black-listed users, harvesters and bots blocked.

Aimed at the small to medium size customers without the budgets for corporate IT security, we have a growing list of satisfied customers ranging from individuals and SMEs through to corporates who list their email addresses on their websites with our help. And the more people that use it, the more it learns about email scrapping attacks and the better it gets. So we encourage all to use.

Any question, just ask,

David Srodzinski
Edinburgh, UK

Email: David Srodzinski webemailprotector logo